Top 10 Refusal Skills

  1.  Make a joke. Sometimes humor is the best way to respond to a situation, as it can lighten a serious mood. 

  2. Give a reason why it’s a bad idea. Maybe you can’t smoke because you want to be able to run the mile for the track team. Maybe you don’t want to drink because you know someone who is an alcoholic and you can see how drinking has messed up their life. Backing up your refusal with evidence gives it more power.

  3. Make an excuse why you can’t. Maybe you have something else to do that will interfere, or you have to be somewhere at a specific time, or your mom will kill you. Whatever.

  4. Just say no, plainly and firmly. In some situations, just saying no without a lot of arguing and explaining is the best response. Just make sure you’re “no” is a strong and determined one.

  5. Suggest an alternative activity.  By thinking of something better to do, you’re offering everyone an “out.”

  6. Ignore the suggestion. Pretend you didn’t hear it, and change the topic to something else. Act like you don’t think the idea was even worth discussing.

  7. Repeat yourself if necessary. Just because someone asks more than once, that doesn’t mean you have todo it.

  8. Leave the situation. It might seem risky, but if you make the way, other kids who really don’t want to do it either just may follow you.

  9. Thanks, but no thanks. You can be polite, but you still aren’t interested. It just isn’t something you’re into.

  10. The power of numbers. Often, knowing that your friends will back you up can help you feel more comfortable being assertive. Sometimes “we” feels stronger than “I”.

More Stress Managment Techniques

  1. Exercise
  2. Use refusal Skills
  3. Rest Adecuately
  4. Breath Deeply
  5. Eat Healthy
  6. Manage your time
  7. Do your hobbies
  8. Listen to music
  9. Talk to someone
  10. Think positive
  11. Redirect your energy.
  12. Avoid tobacco,alcohol and drugs
  13. Use relaxation techniques

What Are Some Stress Techniques?


Yoga a good form of physical exercise, and exercise is a way to relax. It also has meditation and breathing exercises that can give you plenty of relaxation. Yoga should be introduced to people gradually and in a way that’s fun for them. 


Meditations are short techniques that can give people a quick relief from stress. One meditation technique is a deep breathing exercise that adults, kids, and grown-up people can use. People should take three slow, deep breaths inhaling through the nose, and exhaling through the mouth. The deep breaths should be repeated two to three times before the people slowly open their eyes.


Laughter provides people with a physical release that reduces blood pressure and decreases stress hormones. Having a good chuckle causes the body to release endorphins, which elevate moods, and acts as a natural pain killer in the body. So go ahead and pop in a funny movie, do a silly dance, tell jokes, or make a goofy face.


 Playdough works great for this. The kneading action required to work with playdough has a soothing effect, and it's a good way for people to unwind. Also, allowing yourself to do creative activities, like coloring, painting, and drawing pictures can be a good way to help them relieve stress.


When someone doesn´t sleep enough, it weakens his body’s defenses. It’s recommended that children between the ages of three and five get 11 to 13 hours of sleep, and older people should get between 10 and 11 hours of sleep every day.


How Stress Works?

During stress, your brain sends messages to your body to release certain hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones cause your heart rate and blood pressure to rise, your muscles might tense up too.  Your immune system becomes weak, which makes you ultra vulnerable to bacteria infections and viruses. Evidence also reveals that stress contirbutes to heart disease. Stress hormones will actually cause your body to increase blood clotting; therefore, stress can bring on a heart attack (BBC News).
There is reason to believe that stress trigger episoides of many disorders, inculding panic disorder, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
 Have you ever taken a mental health day off from work simply to remove stress? If so, you´re not alone. As many as a quarter of people in the workplace have taken such days from work (Washington Post). More and more people are experiencing high levels of stress in their lives. According to sources, work is the biggest stress factor for adults (AIS). Work provides a significant source of stress for over 60% of people in the U.S. (Washington Post).

What are the Effects of Stress?

The human body is designed to experience stress and react to it. Stress can be positive, keeping us alert and ready to avoid danger, but stress can be negative when a person has  many challenges without relaxation between them. Stress that continues without relaxation can take you to a problem called distress which is a negative stress reaction. Distress causes headaches, stomach ache, elevated blood pressure, chest pain, and problems while sleeping. 

Stress can be harmful when people take alcohol, tobacco, or drugs to try to remove stress, and relax. Instead of removing stress and turn the body to a relaxed state, these substances keep your body in a stressed state and causes more problems.

Some interesting facts about stress:
  • 43% of all adults suffer hard health effects from stress.
  • 75% to 90% of all doctor's office visits are for stress-related problems.
  • Stress can be cause of problems such as headaches, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depression, and anxiety.

For more information about stress and health: