Yoga a good form of physical exercise, and exercise is a way to relax. It also has meditation and breathing exercises that can give you plenty of relaxation. Yoga should be introduced to people gradually and in a way that’s fun for them.
Meditations are short techniques that can give people a quick relief from stress. One meditation technique is a deep breathing exercise that adults, kids, and grown-up people can use. People should take three slow, deep breaths inhaling through the nose, and exhaling through the mouth. The deep breaths should be repeated two to three times before the people slowly open their eyes.
Laughter provides people with a physical release that reduces blood pressure and decreases stress hormones. Having a good chuckle causes the body to release endorphins, which elevate moods, and acts as a natural pain killer in the body. So go ahead and pop in a funny movie, do a silly dance, tell jokes, or make a goofy face.
Playdough works great for this. The kneading action required to work with playdough has a soothing effect, and it's a good way for people to unwind. Also, allowing yourself to do creative activities, like coloring, painting, and drawing pictures can be a good way to help them relieve stress.
When someone doesn´t sleep enough, it weakens his body’s defenses. It’s recommended that children between the ages of three and five get 11 to 13 hours of sleep, and older people should get between 10 and 11 hours of sleep every day.